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The New Mindset of IT Security

Organizations today are facing a new breed of malware attacks that are significantly more complex, powerful, and sophisticated than ever before. Security breaches are not only detrimental for businesses, but also cause immense economic damage as it becomes a financial burden to resolve an infiltrated infrastructure.

A recent Gartner study highlighted that over 81% of security breaches come through web browsing, making the web the #1 vector for attackers to deliver advanced, undetectable malware to an organization’s endpoint devices.

As the number of cyber-attacks increase, organizations desperately seek more ways to keep their environment secure. Cyberinc, an EPODIUM partner and cybersecurity company located in the Silicon Valley, is urging companies to take a new approach when it comes to network security. Instead of focusing on malware detection, Cyberinc’s security solution isolates malware attacks before it enters the network through the web.

Cyberinc’s Isla Web Malware Isolation System keeps malware from entering the network without impacting the web browser’s performance, functionality, or usability. The network-based solution supports all enterprise endpoints and delivers a seamless and transparent user experience using proprietary “Air-Gap” protocol.  This effective isolation technology can not only reduce attacks that compromise end-user systems, but it also eliminates the need to detect or identify malware.

As a partner of Cyberinc, EPODIUM is confident that this new isolation technology can provide organizations with the best security solution fit for any environment. To learn more about securing your enterprise with Isla Malware Isolation, attend our upcoming webinar on June 6th by registering here , or contact us to schedule a demo.